Sunday, 29 March 2009

Inappropriate Religious Harassment?

Is it inappropriate for me to put a sign on my door that read's "Bugger Off God Squad"?  The reason I ask is that they regularly feel the need to come a knocking trying to sell their wares to me, unannounced and uninvited.   Why, when even double glazing salesmen have stopped this aspect of their trade (at least round here) do the various religions feel that because I'm not in church, I must have missed out on what they're offering, such that they must come and reedumacate me.

Well, let me tell you this!  This country teaches its children about religion, and I have been exposed to 'Christian Value's for the last 27 years, so I've kind of got an idea of what its all about.  And in my humble opinion, its all a load of tosh.  That's just what I (and many others in this country) believe, but you don't ever hear atheists tapping people up to ask if they don't believe in a god.  I'm perfectly happy with people wishing to worship whatever deity, god or gods they may choose,  but don't try and enforce your value's on me.   So keep your prayers, thoughts and worship to your temples, homes and the occasional hour on the telly.  At least then I've got the opportunity to not participate in your beliefs if I choose not to.

Until that happens, I'm going to get some quotes from a sign company.

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