So, I've spent some of the weekend figuring out the WeekEPG data structure, based on the files on my dreambox. Here is a note of my discoveries so far.
Main 'Config' Files.
On my dreambox, the main config files are stored in /etc/ and we have:-
- - Where the channel listings are stored. Data format seems to be
1;2002;BBC 1 London;101;189d:7fd:2
Scan Enabled (1=Y); Unknown (but suspect its just a unique id);Channel Name; Assigned Channel Number; ServiceID(in Hex):Transponder:NetworkID (2=Sky). - - Appears to be a translation table from the binary stream into text.
- - Theme definition (Kids/Sports e.t.c.)
Type (Main Theme or SUB theme);Whether Listing is a main or sub theme;Theme Unique ID;Theme Name.
Data Files
Stored in /hdd/weekepg (or where you've defined it in the setup).
- titlesx.gep - Stores the program names, titles e.t.c. Note, there can be numerous ones of these.
1A660416<>1231680600<>201<> Inside the Bermuda Triangle<>3600<>60
Unique Program ID <> Time of program start (Unix Time) <> Channel Number (from the def) <> Program Name <> Length in Minutes <> Theme (from - summariesx.gep - Stores more detailed descriptions of the program, including summary description. Note, like titlesx, numerous ones of these.
728056F<>A free holiday to Boston, New York or Barbados, among others, is yours when you book a featured stay and cruise holiday to Orlando and the Caribbean in this great Sky Travel sale offer.
Unique Program ID (matches titlex.gep UID) <> Detailed Description (may include subtite, series link and other information at the end of description.
So that's what I've discovered so far about it. I'm currently writing a PHP loader to import this data into a MySQL database, so that I can then write a further PHP script to be able to publish XMLTV formatted files for interpretation by MV and MythTV. WeekEPG rocks, but I prefer the interface with MV, and could really use the data within MythTV for the Freesat Channels.
1 comment:
Found your post and have asked this on digitalkaos but no reply. Was wondering if you can see my error and put me straight on where if gone wrong ?
I am looking to add the Irish channels RTE One,RTE Two,TV3 and TG4 and thought all i needed to do was add these to the file.
This doesnt appear to work however as the epg info doesnt appear, can you see what i am doing wrong ?
1;2147;RTE One;228;2581;7fb;2
1;2148;RTE TWO;229;2582;7fb;2
I have even tried to use a cut down version of my own files for Everything appears in the interface but NO epg info :-(
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