Sunday, 11 January 2009

WeekEPG Database Structure

So, I've spent some of the weekend figuring out the WeekEPG data structure, based on the files on my dreambox.  Here is a note of my discoveries so far.

Main 'Config' Files.

On my dreambox, the main config files are stored in /etc/ and we have:-

  • - Where the channel listings are stored.  Data format seems to be 
    1;2002;BBC 1 London;101;189d:7fd:2
    Scan Enabled (1=Y); Unknown (but suspect its just a unique id);Channel Name; Assigned Channel Number; ServiceID(in Hex):Transponder:NetworkID (2=Sky).
  • - Appears to be a translation table from the binary stream into text.
  • - Theme definition (Kids/Sports e.t.c.)

    Type (Main Theme or SUB theme);Whether Listing is a main or sub theme;Theme Unique ID;Theme Name.

Data Files

Stored in /hdd/weekepg (or where you've defined it in the setup).

  • titlesx.gep - Stores the program names, titles e.t.c. Note, there can be numerous ones of these.
    1A660416<>1231680600<>201<> Inside the Bermuda Triangle<>3600<>60
    Unique Program ID <> Time of program start (Unix Time) <> Channel Number (from the def) <> Program Name <> Length in Minutes <> Theme (from
  • summariesx.gep - Stores more detailed descriptions of the program, including summary description. Note, like titlesx, numerous ones of these.
    728056F<>A free holiday to Boston, New York or Barbados, among others, is yours when you book a featured stay and cruise holiday to Orlando and the Caribbean in this great Sky Travel sale offer. 
    Unique Program ID (matches titlex.gep UID) <> Detailed Description (may include subtite, series link and other information at the end of description.

So that's what I've discovered so far about it.  I'm currently writing a PHP loader to import this data into a MySQL database, so that I can then write a further PHP script to be able to publish XMLTV formatted files for interpretation by MV and MythTV.  WeekEPG rocks, but I prefer the interface with MV, and could really use the data within MythTV for the Freesat Channels.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Found your post and have asked this on digitalkaos but no reply. Was wondering if you can see my error and put me straight on where if gone wrong ?

I am looking to add the Irish channels RTE One,RTE Two,TV3 and TG4 and thought all i needed to do was add these to the file.

This doesnt appear to work however as the epg info doesnt appear, can you see what i am doing wrong ?

1;2147;RTE One;228;2581;7fb;2
1;2148;RTE TWO;229;2582;7fb;2

I have even tried to use a cut down version of my own files for Everything appears in the interface but NO epg info :-(
